If you were living in the Victorian Era and privy to the language of flowers - you would be quite horrified to receive this beautiful bouquet.
According to the Language of Flowers these are their meanings:
Petunia - anger
Canterbury bells - acknowledgement
Scabiosa - unfortunate love
Carnation - alas for my poor heart
Foxglove - insincerity
You would not be very happy with the deliverer!
For me though - I prefer to take some creative licence and compose a translation full of positivity, love and all the good stuff! So while I LOVE the idea of speaking in flowers I say talk in flowers only if you have something nice to say! Apologies to all the traditionalists out there!
The energy unseen behind a bouquet is the important thing- it is unseen but not unfelt. How a flower is placed, who it is placed alongside, thoughts of the recipient- all play a key role in the putting together of a bouquet and the final message i hope is taken away
My bouquet actually reads like this:
Petunia - calm
Canterbury bells - acknowledgement
scabiosa - lucky in love
carnation - full heart
foxglove - honesty
There is always a place for negaitive emotions and they are an integral part of life as a human. I prefer to leave flowers pure and send messages full of light when I am speaking with them that's all. I give flowers with love.